First Lady Clytemnestra L. Clarke (fondly referred to as Lady “C”) is well-known for her gentle spirit and her love for people. She is a leader who has discovered that the true meaning of living a righteous life is to seek God, not just through prayer or praise, but also through worship.

She is a native of Teaneck, New Jersey, born to Robert L. Lawson and the late Betty G. Lawson. Her parents exposed her and her older brother, Vincente to invaluable knowledge and wisdom raising them with an emphasis on serving God and His people.

She is the First Lady of First Church of God, Columbus, Ohio, and confidently stands cooperatively working with her husband, Bishop Timothy J. Clarke. All who know Lady “C” recognizes that she exemplifies the qualities and characteristics of a Bishop’s wife.

After 40 years of marriage, her affection for the love of her life is difficult to overlook and she yet proclaims her devotion as his helpmeet. Lady “C” undoubtedly is an enormous support to her husband, his vision, and her family. She is the mother of two adult daughters, Dionesha Clarke-Logan (Ocie) and Joscelyn Renee Clarke, and two grandchildren, Ryan Joseph and London Yvonne.

Lady “C” is a prayer warrior, who is anointed to speak and share God’s Word with women. It has been her privilege to serve at retreats, conferences, seminars, and worship services. Whether ministering to the members of the body of Christ at First Church or the community at large, her response to the call mandated over her life is a resounding yes! The trademark of her ministry is her knack for the spiritual development of women and families, which she consistently delivers with clarity, power, and anointing under the auspices of the Holy Spirit.

Lady “C” serves as the Director of both the Women’s Ministry and H.O.P.E. Counseling Ministry at First Church. She is a strong example of a virtuous woman with power which challenges, inspires, motivates, and provokes to action the women of FCOG. This ministry has been successful in helping to encourage women in their journey of growth through various outlets which include classes, seminars, retreats, conferences, and many other social and spiritual events. As the Director of H.O.P.E. Counseling, Lady “C” provides emotional and spiritual guidance to the congregation and community through Individual, marital, pre-marital and family counseling. Prior to accepting the call to ministry in a full-time position, she was employed by the State of Ohio Department of Health for 15 years and held various positions.

A distinguished woman in her own right, Lady “C” holds a Master’s Degree in Social Agency Counseling, and is licensed through the State of Ohio as a Professional Clinical Counselor. Because of her desire to provide quality care for the people of God, she is currently continuing her educational pursuit in Formational Counseling. Lady “C” is the founder/owner of Inner Image Counseling Services, LLC.

A gifted writer, Lady “C” released Welcomed Wisdom, which is book one of the Wisdom for Living in Faith and Empowerment Series. The second book, I’m Not Crazy, I’m Courageous, is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2018.

Bishop Clarke often shares that when he first saw Lady “C” her arm was in a cast from an injury she incurred while playing football. Despite her injuries early on in life, she has remained an avid sports fan. Lady “C” is a music lover and can be found listening to music or playing the piano when time permits. In addition, she enjoys travel and shopping with her daughters.

All in all, Lady “C” is a loving and caring First Lady. She is easy to talk with, kind, and fun-loving. Lady “C” frequently quotes Psalm 139, which is one of her favorite Scriptures. She is a woman of God who truly flows in the anointing upon her life.

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